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Paper coupons shipped to ICS
Paper Coupon Processing
  • Ship all coupons to one location. Chain stores can ship from one location or an individual store.

  • Receive payment for the face value of the coupons plus a portion of the handling fee paid by the manufacturer based on your company's volume.

  • We notify retailers daily of counterfeit coupons through emails.

  • You can follow your coupon shipment from the start to finish through your secure login on our website provided as a service, provided upon sign-up.

Digital coupon bar code
Digital Coupon Processing
  • The consumer redeems their digital coupon at the point of sale.

  • Redemption data files are sent to ICS electronically for invoicing and payment.

  • No coupons to lose!

  • No coupon shipping necessary!

  • Eliminates the need for your employees to verify each coupon.

  • Higher redemption rates for digital coupons.

  • Better consumer experience with the use of digital media.

  • Single integrated approach regardless of the media used.

International Coupon Services ®                                                                                                                               |  (800) 580-9400

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