Paper Coupon Processing
Ship all coupons to one location. Chain stores can ship from one location or an individual store.
Receive payment for the face value of the coupons plus a portion of the handling fee paid by the manufacturer based on your company's volume.
We notify retailers daily of counterfeit coupons through emails.
You can follow your coupon shipment from the start to finish through your secure login on our website provided as a service, provided upon sign-up.

Digital Coupon Processing
The consumer redeems their digital coupon at the point of sale.
Redemption data files are sent to ICS electronically for invoicing and payment.
No coupons to lose!
No coupon shipping necessary!
Eliminates the need for your employees to verify each coupon.
Higher redemption rates for digital coupons.
Better consumer experience with the use of digital media.
Single integrated approach regardless of the media used.